Opiods use (standardized DDD_1000 inhabitants per day) and Composite Socioeconomic Index (ISC)
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layers Capes
  • check_box_outline_blank opioids_ABS expand_more
    • visibility_off Strong opioids men_standardized DDD/1000 inhabitants per day
    • visibility_off Strong opioids women_standardized DDD/1000 inhabitants per day
    • visibility_off Weak opioids women_standardized DDD/1000 inhabitants per day
    • visibility_off Socioeconomic deprivation index (ISC)
    • visibility_off Weak opioids men_standardized DDD/1000 inhabitants per day
view_list Llegenda get_app
  • visibility_off Weak opioids women_standardized DDD/1000 inhabitants per day expand_less
    • 0.53 - 2.61 (2)
    • 2.62 - 3.41 (2)
    • 3.42 - 4.33 (8)
    • 4.34 - 5.22 (18)
    • 5.23 - 6.17 (23)
    • 6.18 - 7.41 (55)
    • 7.42 - 9.44 (106)
    • 9.45 - 22.18 (157)
  • visibility_off Strong opioids women_standardized DDD/1000 inhabitants per day expand_less
    • 0.53 - 2.61 (9)
    • 2.62 - 3.41 (28)
    • 3.42 - 4.33 (43)
    • 4.34 - 5.22 (53)
    • 5.23 - 6.17 (77)
    • 6.18 - 7.41 (89)
    • 7.42 - 9.44 (49)
    • 9.45 - 22.18 (23)
  • visibility_off Weak opioids men_standardized DDD/1000 inhabitants per day expand_less
    • 0.53 - 2.61 (19)
    • 2.62 - 3.41 (43)
    • 3.42 - 4.33 (79)
    • 4.34 - 5.22 (90)
    • 5.23 - 6.17 (71)
    • 6.18 - 7.41 (38)
    • 7.42 - 9.44 (27)
    • 9.45 - 22.18 (4)
  • visibility_off Strong opioids men_standardized DDD/1000 inhabitants per day expand_less
    • 0.53 - 2.61 (156)
    • 2.62 - 3.41 (113)
    • 3.42 - 4.33 (58)
    • 4.34 - 5.22 (22)
    • 5.23 - 6.17 (13)
    • 6.18 - 7.41 (5)
    • 7.42 - 9.44 (3)
    • 9.45 - 22.18 (1)
  • visibility_off Socioeconomic deprivation index (ISC) expand_less
    • 1 (94)
    • 2 (93)
    • 3 (91)
    • 4 (93)
satellite Fons
  • Simple
    Simple gris
    Mapa híbrid
    Divisions administratives
    Terreny híbrid
    Fons neutre blanc
    Fons neutre gris
    Fons neutre gris fort
    Ortoimatge 1946
    Ortoimatge 1956
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Informació del mapa

Opiods use (standardized DDD_1000 inhabitants per day) and Composite Socioeconomic Index (ISC)


Data visualization of the opioids use by type (strong or weak) and sex according each Health area. Opioids use (DDD/1000 inhabitants per day) has been standardized by Catalonia population for both sexes, so results could be comparable.

How it works: this is a 5 multilayer map with different information of opioids consumption:

  1. Weak opioids women, standardized DDD/1000 inhabitants per day, 
  2. Strong opioids women, standardized DDD/1000 inhabitants per day
  3. Weak opioids men, standardized DDD/1000 inhabitants per day
  4. Strong opioids men, standardized DDD/1000 inhabitants per day
  5. Composite Socioeconomic Index (ISC)

Please, select the layer in the left sidebar "Map tools_layers", only one each time. 

Information about the variables of each Health area is provided selecting the specific area. 

Export data: data could be provided or print selecting the suitable format in the left sidebar "Map tools_export".

Data source: Electronic dispensing database and  Composite Socioeconomic Index (ISC)

More information: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphar.2021.750193/full

Observatori del Sistema de Salut de Catalunya

opioids, drug use, inequalities

Data de creació

3/9/2021, 11:57:51 AM

Darrera actualització

10/21/2021, 9:38:21 AM

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